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Thursday, March 11, 2010

A broken arm and a wet Grandma

Feb 12 Saw me rushing to the aid of Sam's wee family as his oldest 15 month old had broken her arm in a fall. A week later saw me again rushing to their aid as she had to have the arm reset under anaesthetic. A huge thing for the family. Happily they are all fine and we all survived this trauma.

Grandma also survived

Mum and Dad getting madam ready to go to theater

last hug with DAD

I only want my Dad now its over, He will give me Food please. The hardest thing is to make a small child go without food and water.

I am coping very well with this thing Grandma, but I get tired of it. It moves when I run, oops it fell off 3 times. Then they made me a bent one, stays on and I can get up off the floor and play.

The next day while Grandpa and Grandma visited I got to hold Missy #2 who was to have a bath. Mmmmm ooops ahhhhhhh well is is only refined milk and it was warm !!!!!

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